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Elementary Course of Chinese Calligraphy in China

Provider China Service Mall
Introduction This Chinese calligraphy course will teach you the basic skills of writing Chinese calligraphy and enjoy the spiritual and artistic beauty of Chinese calligraphy in a deep way.

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Elementary course for Chinese calligraphy aims at helping you to get a general impression of Chinese calligraphy and improving your artistic sense of Chinese calligraphy creation.
Teaching Objectives
Specially designed for foreign students or people who are interested in traditional Chinese culture, this course helps them to improve their artistic appreciation of Chinese calligraphy.
Class Content
1. Theoretical study of history of Chinese calligraphy, ancient Chinese and ancient book in the history referring to Chinese calligraphy.
2. Basic strokes practice of Chinese characters in forms of regular script, clerical script, running script or grass script (Though the copying of classical copybooks in ancient China)
3. Practice of right gesture for creating a piece of calligraphy work.
Class Size
Class is given in small group, with no more than 15 students in one class.
Class Time and Length
Class Time: Class is available at anytime. There will be 4 classes in one week lasting for 60 minutes per class. Class time is flexible.
Class Length: One study period contains 16 classes for about one month.
Tuition Fee
The tuition fee for one month is 1200 RMB.
Note: the fee for writing materials such as copy and tracing samples and books will need to be paid additionally.